CoLab Educational Research Team

INE Sample Architecture for Mathematically Productive Learning Experiences Members

Noah Adams, Research Assistant, CoLab, SFU.

Jonathan Borwein (Co-PI), CoLab Leader and Canada Research Chair in IT, SFU.

Stephen Campbell (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, SFU.

Jen Chang (Project Manager), Operations Manager, CECM, SFU.

Rebecca DeCamillis, Teacher, Southridge Independent School.

David Kaufman (PI), Director, Learning and Instructional Development Centre, SFU.

Peter Liljedahl, PhD Student, Faculty of Education, SFU.

Gail May, Teacher, Maple Lane Elementary School.

Matthew Morin, NSERC Undergraduate Research Fellow.

Teddy Parvanova, Research Assistant and Lab Instructor, Faculty of Education (CET), SFU.

Nathalie Sinclair, Post Doctoral Fellow, Faculty of Education, SFU.

Natasa Sirotic, MEd Student, Faculty of Education, SFU.

Terry Stanway, Teacher, Vancouver Technical School.

Carolyn Watters (Co-PI), Professor, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University.